City of Hazleton Land Bank
Bid documents may be obtained and an inspection of the property can be arranged by contacting Robert Hoegg, City of Hazleton Land Bank Board Chairperson at (570) 459-4960, ext. 628 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The City of Hazleton Land Bank Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
All bids must be received in the City Clerk’s Office, Hazleton City Hall, 40 N. Church Street, Hazleton PA 18201. Bids must include a cashier’s check, money order or bid bond in the amount of 10% of the amount of the bid, which will be forfeited if the bidder is awarded the bid and fails to complete the purchase.
Open Property Bidding
Currently there are no properties available for bidding but please continue to check this section for open bids.
City of Hazleton Land Bank Meetings
Meeting will be the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 4PM in Council chambers
City of Hazleton Land Bank board members
Robert Hoegg, Chair
Pete DeMarco, Vice Chair
Scott Letcher, Secretary
Joseph Zeller, III, Treasurer
Joseph Yannuzzi, Board Member
Edward Shemansky, Board Member
Sean Logsdon, Solicitor