Special Event Application Form

Name/Nombre *
Address/Direccion *
Phone Number/Telefono *
Email /Correo Electronico *
Are you the main contact for the event/Es usted el contacto principal para el evento?*

Organization Information/Informacion de la Organizacion

Name/Nombre *
Address/Direccion *
Phone Number/Telfono *
Classification of Special Event/Clasificacion del Evento Especial *
Other/ Otro (please specify/ por favor especifique)
Date of the Special Event/Fecha en que se llevara a cabo el evento especial *
Rain Date/Fecha de lluvia *
Set up time/Tiempo de preparacion *
Expected completion of clean up/Finalización prevista de la limpieza *
Venue or Location to be utilized (please select one). Please note there are fees to rent certain areas of each venue. You will be notified by City Hall prior to your event with information on how to submit payment. Please consult the Special Events Costs and Information form for complete details./Lugar o locacion a utilizar (favor de circular uno). Tenga en cuenta que hay tarifas para alquilar ciertas áreas de cada lugar. El Ayuntamiento le notificará antes de su evento con información sobre cómo enviar el pago.. Consulte el formulario Información y costos de eventos especiales para obtener detalles completos.: *
Other/ Otro (please specify/ por favor especifique)
What will you/your organization be doing/Que estara usted o su organizacion haciendo? *
Will you have a paradeTendra usted una parada?*
Please list the suggested parade route to be traveled, the starting point and the termination point/Ruta de desfile sugerida para viajar, el punto de partida y el punto de finalizacion:
Please upload a map depicting the course of the parade or the location of the parade/Incluyendo un mapa que muestre el curso del desfile o la ubicacion del desfile
Drag & Drop Files Here Browse Files
Please list the location by streets of any assembly (formation and disbanding) areas for a parade including time at which units of the parade will begin to assemble/Ubicacion por calles de cualquier area de reunion (formacion y disolucion) para un desfile, incluyendo la hora en que las unidades del desfile comenzaran a reunirse:
How many vehicles/floats will be in the parade? (Note: **You will need a parade guide car, parade end car, and monitors at street cross sections**)/Cuantos vehiculos/flotadores estaran en el evento (parada) (* *Usted necesitara un carro guia del desfile, un carro al final del desfile, y monitoreadores en los cruces de calles**)
Will there be any animals in the parade/Habra algun animal en?
If yes, what type/Siendo asi que tipo:
Are you requesting any streets to be closed/Esta usted solicitando que alguna calle sea cerrada?
If yes, please list/Siendo asi, favor listar:
Will there be amplified sound/Habra sonido amplificado?*
Will there be food vendors/Habra vendedores de comida?*
If yes, please list/Siendo asi favor listar:
Any additional information the city needs to know/Otra informacion adicional que la ciudad debe saber:

City View Park Information/Informacion del Parque City View

Please select all that apply IF you are using City View Park (Hold down CTRL key on computer to select multiple items). You will be notified by City Hall prior to your event with information on how to submit payment. Please consult the Special Events Costs and Information form for complete details./Seleccione todo lo que corresponda SI está utilizando City View Park (mantenga presionada la tecla CTRL en la computadora para seleccionar varios elementos). El Ayuntamiento le notificará antes de su evento con información sobre cómo enviar el pago. Consulte el formulario Información y costos de eventos especiales para obtener detalles completos.

Please Note Regarding Alcoholic Beverages: If your organization wishes to sell alcoholic beverages, please contact our office as information will need to be gathered/Si su organizacion desea vender bebidas alcoholicas, favor de contactar nuestra oficina ya que sera necesario recopilar informacion..

Signature/Firma *
Date/Fecha *


The Greater Hazleton Area is located at the foothills of the Pocono Mountains, a popular vacation destination that offers year-round recreation.

It's the Greater Hazleton Area's excellent quality of life that makes the area so attractive to people and businesses from all around the world.


police non-emergency:
  City of Hazleton
40 N. Church St., Hazleton, PA 18201
  Office Hours: Monday- Friday 8:30 am – 4:00pm (Closed on all federal holidays)